Hit Your Stride

Take your workout off autopilot with this calorie-touching plan.

One of my favorite cardio exercises to do inside is on the elliptical. The elliptical is one of the most popular machines at any gym, due to the low impact it has on your knees. The elliptical however, is one of training1the easiest cardio workouts to zone out on. Plodding along at an easy pace minimizes the benefits of using the elliptical. Below I will provide a 30 minute elliptical workout that will increase calorie burn on the machine.

Note* Have a stopwatch o timer handy for this exercise. Also, to increase the intensity, I avoid holding onto the arm levers. To balance I use my core muscles. This is just an option for those that want an extra challenge.

Moderate Level – 30 minutes

Time: 0-2 Level: 3 Incline: 10

Warm Up: Pedal forward at an easy pace

Time: 2-4 Level: 4 Incline: 12

Try to increase your speed as if you were to go for a sprint for 30 seconds, then jog for 30 seconds; repeat

Time: 4-6 Level: 4-5 Incline: 12

Try to increase your speed as if you were to go for a sprint for 30 seconds, then jog for 30 seconds; repeat.

Time: 6-7 Level: 6 Incline: 14

Pedal backwards

Time: 7-10 Level: 7 Incline: 15

Sprint for 1 minute, then jog for 30 seconds; repeat

Time: 10-13 Level: 8 Incline: 17

Sprint for 2 minutes, then jog for 30 seconds; repeat

Time: 13-16 Level: 9 Incline: 18

Sprint for 1 minute, then jog for 30 seconds; repeat

Time: 16-17 Level: 7 Incline: 17

Pedal backwards

Time: 17-28 Level: 6-9 Incline: 16-18

Pedal forward at a steady, fast pace

Time: 28-30 Level: 3 Incline: 12

Cool down. Pedal forward at an easy pace.

training4Try out this fun routine to beat boredom – and get the biggest bang from your next elliptical session.

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